Friday, October 09, 2009

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Happy Fall Y'all!

Facebook has really overshadowed blogging for me lately. I don't know if anyone reads my blog any longer, but I'm here!

Going to decorate the house for Fall/Halloween today. Pictures to follow.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Don't make a dash for Webster's - I made up the title header - meaning mini things I am grateful for today:

  1. I love that even though I got up at 3 am (couldn't sleep) I was able to see the family of deer walking down our otherwise busy street, right in front of our house!
  2. I love that my coffee maker is programmable so dh can wake at 3am to freshly brewed java.
  3. I love that said coffee maker also tells me how many minutes/hours old my pot of coffee is.
  4. I love coffee; but you (ahem) probably already had that one figured after reading #2 and #3.
  5. I love routines and yet, I'm thoroughly enjoying NOT having a set schedule due to a surprise FIVE day weekend.
  6. I love the smell of freshly laundered whites thanks to a marriage of Clorox Ultimate Care Bleach and Mrs. Stewart's Bluing (hmmm bluing doesn't make it smell better but I like my whites WHITE).
  7. I love that my adventuresome kids think camping out means sleeping on the Aerobed in the living room (where they are currently slumbering as I type).
  8. I love pajamas - I have stacks of them - especially the Simply Vera Wang, my current faves I'm donning now.
  9. I hate tolerate my reading glasses (now a necessity) because I love the trendy Foster Grant designs.
  10. I love my friends, especially the ones who will leave comments here b/c for some odd reason, my mundane life reads more interesting than it actually is.

Who am I?

My photo
I'm a SAHM of 4 kids living in the Chicago burbs and enjoying life!

Flashy Thingies
